Friday, January 31, 2020

Macbeth Essay Essay Example for Free

Macbeth Essay Essay This puts Macbeth at a loss for words , they then look at banquo and tell him his sons will be king someday aswell but not him. â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis/ All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor/ All hail, Macbeth, Thou shalt be king hereafter! † (1. 3. 50-53). This is the first set of prophecies the witches made and the start to Macbeth’s downfall. What the witches done to Macbeth with these prophecies to make him commence his downfall was they filled his head with these positive flattering things that made him want to go to extreme measures just to become what the witches proclaimed would happen. Proof that this first set of prophecies commenced his downfall is once king Duncan had named malcom to be king apposed to Macbeth, Macbeth then considered the idea that he should murder Duncan to become king. The second set of prophecies given to Macbeth appeared as apparitions by the three witches and each apparition gave Macbeth a different prophecy. The first prophecy is an armed head which tells Macbeth to beware of Macduff â€Å" Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough. † (4. 1. 74-75). The second apparition appeared as a bloody child who tells Macbeth the only person who can harm him is a man not born of a woman. â€Å" Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn/The power of man, for none of woman born/Shall harm Macbeth. † (4. 1. 81-83). The final apparition summoned by the witches was a crowned child holding a tree that states Macbeth will not be killed until the woods of birnam are at Dunsinane Hill. Be lion-me ttled, proud, and take no care/Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. /Macbeth shall never vanquished be until/Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill/Shall come against him. † (4. 1. 94-98). These summons created by the witches are a big part in Macbeth’s downfall because they gave him more confidence that he would not be killed. Macbeth believed that these prophecies were ridiculous and that it was impossible for him to happen although he did not think them through because all of these prophecies came true in the end. Although the witches gave Macbeth these prophecies making him over confident and giving him the idea to kill Duncan they are not the only ones to blame, Macbeth’s wife Lady Macbeth also played a big role in the downfall of Macbeth by persuading Macbeth to kill King Duncan. She did this by telling him that if the witches prophecies were to come true and he were to become king he must kill those who stood in the way. She then proceeds to question his manhood and makes him feel guilty for her when she says she would kill her own child if she had promised it to her beloved to do it. What beast was ’t, then, That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more the man. Nor time nor place Did then adhere, and yet you would make both. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now Does unmake you. I have given suck, and know How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me . I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you Have done to this. † (1. 7. 47-59). Lady Macbeth was fully capable of killing the king herself, she had made a good plot to kill him but she never killed him herself because she claimed King Duncan reminded her of her father. â€Å"Had he not resembled/My father as he slept, I had done ’t. † (2. 2. 12-13). If Lady Macbeth would have performed the murder herself Macbeth would not have been driven mad. After Macbeth killed King Duncan the guilt he felt was taking over his mind, saying that there was blood on his hands that would not come off. Lady Macbeth could maybe have comforted him in this time of need but instead she called him mad nd put him down. Although both the witches and Lady Macbeth were contributors to Macbeth’s death they cannot take all the blame for Macbeths death, Macbeth himself plays a big role in the his tragic death. Macbeth knew killing King Duncan was wrong he was always loyal to the king and Duncan trusted Macbeth greatly but he let the witches get into his head and let their prophecies corrupt his mind without no proof saying he had to kill Duncan to become king. Although Lady Macbeth gave him guilt and questioned his manliness he could have told her no he could have told her no and went with what he knew was best. Macbeth’s ambition to hold his spot on the throne was another good reason as to why he died, after killing Duncan Macbeth decided that he should also kill Banquo because Macbeth thought Banquo would suspect him after the prophecies the witches made. This was a mistake by Macbeth because this only made Macbeth more aggressive and his desire to kill stronger. The main mistake Macbeth made was the faith he had towards the prophecies made by the witches, he felt he was invincible. Even once the prophecy about the Birnam Woods reached the castle he belived he could not be killed by anyone because he thought all men were born of a woman. â€Å"Fear not, till Birnam wood/Do come to/Dunsinane†; and now a wood/Comes toward Dunsinane. ’(5. 5. 43-45) â€Å"Thou wast born of woman. /But swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn,/Brandished by man that’s of a woman born. (5. 7. 13-15). This confidence followed Macbeth right to his fight against Macduff, once he began to fight with macduff we learn that macduff was actually ripped out of his mothers stomach and not born from the womb making him not born bt a woman. â€Å"Despair thy charm,/And let the angel whom thou still hast served/Tell thee,/Macduff was from his mother’s womb/Untimely ripped. (5. 8. 13-17). Macbeth then accepted his fate and fought Macduff and lost his life. Although there was multiple factors that led to Macbeths demise such as evil witches and a power hungry wife the one who played the biggest role in his death was Macbeth himself. Even though all of the witches prophecies came true there no proof saying they were destined to come true but only that Macbeth caused these prophecies to be true. If Macbeth would have did what he knew was right he would have saved the lives of a lot of people including the wife he loved so dearly.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Numeracy in primary schools Essay -- Economics

Numeracy in primary schools Numeracy is very important in primary schools today, with mental calculations being a central part of the mathematics curriculum. These mental methods of calculation should be encouraged from an early age, mathematics is used in our everyday lives without many of us realising; checking our change at the shops and leaving the house in order to arrive at school on time. It is advised that Numeracy lessons start with a 5-10 minute starter of oral or mental calculation work, working as a whole class to rehearse, sharpen and develop the children’s skills. Various ways can be used to sharpen these skills including counting in steps of different sizes, practising mental calculations and the rapid recall of number facts; this can be done through playing interactive number games ‘a number one less than a multiple of 5’ etc. Mental calculations are introduced to children in the autumn term of year 1 at a basic level of addition and subtraction. In key stage 2 these mental calculations have become more complex; children include multiplication and division according to the National Numeracy Strategy. However, these mental calculation strategies are not as straight forward as just asking the class a question in order to get a response, individualisation or ‘over-differentiation’ in the teaching of mental mathematics has been hailed as a major barrier to the effective learning. It is clear from this statement from Professor David Reynolds that individualisation is indeed an obstacle: â€Å"We’re clear about what went wrong. Methods of teaching introduced in the 70’s and 80’s, had deleterious effects on maths in particular. All the research agrees that the one thing that badly affects p... ...physical development it is up to teachers to help and differentiate class work to coincide with the children’s development. However an alternative to Piaget's’ view of cognitive development was provided by the Russian literary critic and psychologist Vygotsky. He distinguished between lower functions of human psychology like recognizing and sensation, and higher functions like thinking and understanding. According to Vygotsky ‘What a child can do in cooperation today, he can do alone tomorrow’. He talks about the Zone of Proximal Development, which is their level of actual development of their level of potential development, what they can do with help of an instructor. The ZPD is an indicator of the teachability of the child. Vygotsky suggested it gave a better measure of a child’s capacity than any test of current ability, such as an intelligence test. Numeracy in primary schools Essay -- Economics Numeracy in primary schools Numeracy is very important in primary schools today, with mental calculations being a central part of the mathematics curriculum. These mental methods of calculation should be encouraged from an early age, mathematics is used in our everyday lives without many of us realising; checking our change at the shops and leaving the house in order to arrive at school on time. It is advised that Numeracy lessons start with a 5-10 minute starter of oral or mental calculation work, working as a whole class to rehearse, sharpen and develop the children’s skills. Various ways can be used to sharpen these skills including counting in steps of different sizes, practising mental calculations and the rapid recall of number facts; this can be done through playing interactive number games ‘a number one less than a multiple of 5’ etc. Mental calculations are introduced to children in the autumn term of year 1 at a basic level of addition and subtraction. In key stage 2 these mental calculations have become more complex; children include multiplication and division according to the National Numeracy Strategy. However, these mental calculation strategies are not as straight forward as just asking the class a question in order to get a response, individualisation or ‘over-differentiation’ in the teaching of mental mathematics has been hailed as a major barrier to the effective learning. It is clear from this statement from Professor David Reynolds that individualisation is indeed an obstacle: â€Å"We’re clear about what went wrong. Methods of teaching introduced in the 70’s and 80’s, had deleterious effects on maths in particular. All the research agrees that the one thing that badly affects p... ...physical development it is up to teachers to help and differentiate class work to coincide with the children’s development. However an alternative to Piaget's’ view of cognitive development was provided by the Russian literary critic and psychologist Vygotsky. He distinguished between lower functions of human psychology like recognizing and sensation, and higher functions like thinking and understanding. According to Vygotsky ‘What a child can do in cooperation today, he can do alone tomorrow’. He talks about the Zone of Proximal Development, which is their level of actual development of their level of potential development, what they can do with help of an instructor. The ZPD is an indicator of the teachability of the child. Vygotsky suggested it gave a better measure of a child’s capacity than any test of current ability, such as an intelligence test.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Book Review on ‘A Man on the Moon’ Essay

Not all great authors can come up great educational book such as Andrew Chaikin’s ‘A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts’. Moreover, not all true-to-life-stories writers are lucky to deliver such factual account having first-hand information gained through interviews. As Chaikin have provided necessary details such as scientific technicalities, knowledge and feelings involved, running down from the role of politics, biographies, competitions, emotions, failures, accomplishments, trials, motives, sacrifices, faults, private thoughts and comments, up to the extent of constructing the blueprint, plans and programs of planetary explorations, his readers might not just be well-informed about it but completely aware of the ins and outs of manned space flight and landing on the moon. See more:Â  The Story of an Hour Literary Analysis Essay In this book, what the author wants is to expose most of the elements of the Apollo missions that only few people could know. He makes it possible as he did a thorough investigation of his craft. Doing a series of in-depth interviews to almost hundred percent of the people behind the Apollo missions especially the twenty four moon voyagers is never easy. Likewise, pretending that the time doing the interview is dramatically inflict as it is makes his audience feel very closely enough to the scenario if not apprehensively feel updated. Hence, to be hooked in this astonishing book is nothing but normal. The main argument of the author is set to make available for everyone his own discovery of the profound history behind the historical explorations and discoveries from the initial first manned flight of the Apollo 8 around the moon’s vicinity in 1961 to the successful first landing on the moon of the Apollo 11 in 1972 and even beyond that as he reveals reflections of the sixth landing on the moon of the Apollo 17, which is also the last landing as of today. This thesis is well-supported by first-hand interviews, academic reviews, scientific approach, and the legal and technical aspects which played very important roles in the Apollo missions’ golden age and its declination. Writing his work in a very comprehensible approach for easy reading and understanding of every historical detail paints the colorful adventures and voyages of every man and events behind the mission. Thus, it could also serve as a very rich reference for any research about space technology. Having been read ‘A Man on the Moon’ inspires me not to stop believing of my every potential. As Chaikin discloses man’s unlimited discoveries once ignite and properly supported of external factors, enlightens young minds to seek for the infinity. However, knowing that the final landing, as written on the book, happened decades ago can trigger the notion of stopping one’s eagerness to dream and explore. Personally, I could say that the book is not just a thought-provoking one but heart-stopping as well. With those vivid illustrations of the interviewees that are intelligently interpreted and written by the author, it could make me feel as if I myself have competed for the moon’s flight seat or even touched moon’s face. Therefore, making me feel reviving my innermost interest to liberate my wildest dream of becoming an astronaut is the best proof that this book is truly an amazing masterpiece. R E F E R E N C E Chaikin, Andrew. A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Atronauts. New York: Penguin, 1998.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Essay on The Impact of Cell Phone Usage on Our Social Life

There are more cell phones than residents in Britain (, 2007). The first cell phone was invented by Dr. Martin Cooper and John F Mitchell in 1973 (, 2014). Cell phone use has escalated over the years. Not only does cell phone usage affect the character traits of a person and their ability to hold regular, face to face conversations, it also affects a person’s ability to have healthy, stable relationships. Cell phones have changed from an item of luxury to an everyday necessity for some people. Twenty five years ago, a phone was just a way to contact someone. Mobile phones have become one of the most common tools of communications for both young and old. Cellular devices have redefined relationships and†¦show more content†¦The rate of instances where someone is injured from texting while walking may be even greater than accidents from texting while driving (Griggs, 2014). Brandon Griggs of confirms that in 2010, more than 1,500 pedestrians were taken to the emergency room for injuries related to texting while walking (Griggs, 2014). Azriela Jafe from Family First Mishpacha Magazine states that two thirds of these individuals who are affected are twenty-five years old or younger (Jafe, 2013). The use of cell phones has shot up therefore affecting our social lives. Cell phones have influenced our social lives so much to the extent that people have an issue with talking face to face with other people. People are so used to talking on the phone and texting, that when it comes to talking in person they are at a loss. Texting is becoming the new face to face communication. People are becoming less and less comfortable with talking in person or even on the phone. When was the last time you spoke to someone while you were in an elevator, waiting on line at your local supermarket, or even while waiting at the doctor’s office with your child? Most people will take out their phone and start texting, playing gamers, or pretending to be busy to fill the time. This is an escape route in case a stranger starts up a conversation. Before cell phones, people were forced to talk to each other when in such situations. Now aShow MoreRelatedCell Phones: Does Using Cell Phones Make People More or Less Connected?1281 Words   |  6 PagesCell phones: Does u sing cell phones make people more or less connected? Article 1 About writer: Helen Lee Lin in 2012. He did Ph.D in the department of Psychology for University of Houston and now he is working as a writer and freelancer in Ankara, Turkey. His basics interest in writing are in the fields of language, marketing, human relationship and media effects. Link to the Article: Summary In theRead MoreCell Phone Use And Cell Phones Essay843 Words   |  4 PagesHave you ever witnessed disruptive cell phones usage in public? When is it acceptable, to use cell phones in public? 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